" Energizing & Engaging Multi-Generational and Multi-Cultural teams is often challenging, we have winning solutions that deliver long-term results "

  • Fluently bilingual (Eng/Thai) facilitation team who have small and large group facilitation experience (20-150 participants)

  • Increase Engagement and Team Spirit through highly energetic outdoor team building activities

  • Build common understanding and knowledge with intellectual indoor activities

  • Create tangible & relevant workshop outputs through group performance facilitation processes

  • Completely customised people solutions using best practice tools and methods

3 Retreat Themes that we often facilitate are:

1.) Strategy Development & Cascading

This extreme-activity retreat helps participants to:

  • Increase engagement and team identity

  • Embrace strategy

  • Understand and contribute to organizational strategy

  • Align departmental strategies to corporate strategy

  • Cascade strategic initiatives to multi-levels

Workshop Overview

Day 1


Workshop Activity / Key Learning

09:00 - 10:30

Energizing Ice-breakers:

fun & energetic activities to promote teamwork, problem-solving and engagement

10:45 - 12:00

Strategic Communication :

an interactive approach for senior leaders to communicate strategy for increased buy-in from teams

13:00 - 14:30

Team Strategy Simulation:

teams collaborate in a highly energetic & intellectual indoor activity

14:45 - 17:00

Build Activity:

participants work in teams and compete to build products / services / processes

Day 2


Workshop Activity / Key Learning

09:00 - 10:30

Sharing & Creating Strategy:

team strategy presentations, brainstorming strategies to achieve objectives

10:45 - 12:00

Prioritising Strategy :

selecting strategies via the weighted criteria and dot voting

13:00 - 14:30

Action Planning:

identfying the key projects, assign responsibilities, plan the key projects, allocate resources

14:45 - 16:30

Drafting your Project Roadmap:

assembling your action plan plan ready for approval and execution

2.) Core Values Immersion

This extreme-activity retreat helps participants to:

  • Capture the core meaning of the core values in their work context

  • Embed the core values into their daily roles & behaviours

  • Sustainably live the core values in their actions & decisions

  • Build team spirit

  • Have a lot of fun!

Workshop Overview

Day 1


Workshop Activity / Key Learning

09:00 - 10:30

Energizing Ice-breakers:

fun & energetic activities to promote teamwork, problem-solving and engagement

10:45 - 12:00

Strategic Communication :

an interactive approach for senior leaders to communicate strategy for increased buy-in from teams

13:00 - 14:30

Team Strategy Simulation:

teams collaborate in a highly energetic & intellectual indoor activity

14:45 - 17:00

Build Activity:

participants work in teams and compete to build products / services / processes

Day 2


Workshop Activity / Key Learning

09:00 - 12:00

The Core Values VDO Commercial:

Participants create story boards, shoot & edit a VDO commercial on their phones to communicate the core values

13:00 - 14:30

Living the Core Value :

Embedding the Core Value into work and take action of the participant next step

14:45 - 16:30

Individual Action Planning and Core Value Commitments

3.) New Team Engagement Example

This extreme-activity retreat helps participants to:

  • work together better as high performance teams

  • Develop group problem solving & decision making skills

  • Communicate more clearly and assertively

  • Get to know each other better

  • Have a lot of fun!

Workshop Overview

Day 1


Workshop Activity / Key Learning

09:00 - 10:30

Energizing Ice-breakers:

fun & energetic activities to promote teamwork, problem-solving and engagement

10:45 - 12:00

Creating Individual & Team Identity with LEGO Serious Play:

build your team mates out of LEGO

13:00 - 14:30

Build Activity:

participants work in teams and compete to build products / services / processes

14:45 - 17:00

Team Olympics Challenge:

teams compete in sports you know and love. Just with different rules!

Day 2


Workshop Activity / Key Learning

09:00 - 10:30

MBTI for Team Synergy:

an activity base approach for learning about each other’s personality types and individual working style preferences

10:45 - 12:00

MBTI for Team Synergy:

an activity base approach for learning about each other’s personality types and individual working style preferences

13:00 - 16:30

Group Dynamics & Decisions:

activities to show how the new group functions in problem solving situations

14:45 - 16:30

Ground Rules Facilitation:

agreeing upon the way which we work, collaborate and succeed together

Number of Participants:


Target Participant:




Learning Methodology:

Outdoor Activities 30%

Indoor Activities 30%

Facilitation Sessions 30%

Mini-lectures 10%

Lead Facilitators:

Jeerawat Yaowanich

Jatupathra Krancharoen

Paul Marks